The Writing Lab

The Writing Lab

The Writing Lab was created because I realised how many organisations struggle to get their story across in clear, concise, easy to understand language.  You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. If your message is muddy or garbled your potential client may not have the time or inclination to investigate further.  

Words matter. Many people think writing is easy. After all, all you need is a brain and something to write with. Then they try it.

Words can be your greatest asset or your biggest hinderance. Let me cut through the verbiage and find the words that count. Think of a flower bed.  Only when you remove the weeds can you see what you have.  Not only can you see them, they now have room to grow.

What I can do for you and your business? For a start I can make sure your web site and your literature are as clear as they need to be, the tone is right for your business and there are no howlers which make you look inept or out of touch. I can advise on media relations, getting your message across to the people who count. A website, a brochure, your chairman’s speech are your window to the world. Make it count.